Thursday, January 6, 2011

Songs To Slit Your Wrists To...

It has been a long time since I updated. There has been a lot going on since the last update, so maybe I will do a bunch of updates to catch up. Or maybe not. We will see...

So apparently I am going through a pretty bad depression or something with anxiety. My wife is freaking out about this. She suffers from both and doesn't like that now I am struggling. It has been a really tough past few months, but I will continue to soldier through I guess. I had a breakdown on Tuesday night followed by another semi-breakdown yesterday at work. It is tough to be at work when you really don't want to be anywhere at all.

In light of all of this, I find myself listening to Jawbreaker. I know, I know... probably the not the best music to listen to while feeling down. I am surprised at home much their final album Dear You has grown on me over the years. I remember when it came out (Holy shit, it has been 16 years since that album came out!) and in my high school teen angst stage, I tossed the album aside with disgust. At the time it was the biggest piece of shit I had heard. Hear I sit 16 years later though and have finally come to terms with the fact that it is actually a pretty good record. I will gladly take any other record of theirs over this one, but for what it is, it isn't that bad. I do miss the gravely voice of the earlier albums and I don't understand why they re-did Boxcar. What do I know though.

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