Monday, January 31, 2011

Who Is Richard Bruise?

So I hope that People don't get mad at me but... over the weekend I partook in a band practice. Well, we are still trying to decide on a name. It isn't a top priority right now because we are still in the writing new songs/practicing phase. I would like to point out that a friend of mine talked about how he was suffering from "dick bruises caused by dry humping". I suggested that we be called Richard Bruise & the Dry Humps. No one else agreed, they laughed, but did not agree.

SO I am here to offer you the first of many (probably not) contests brought to you by the wonderful people at "That's How I Escaped My Certain Fate"!

Help us come up with a band name!

I don't really have any prizes to offer or anything like that. Isn't knowing that you helped a young band get a start reward enough?

1 comment:

  1. 10 Kinds of Awesome...or however many people are in the band. 5 Kinds of Awesome! 4 Kinds of Awesome and a dude?
