Thursday, January 20, 2011

Supergirl Has A Nice Rack

So i guess I am condensing some other blogs that I have that no one reads to this one. Why have 5 unread blogs when I can just put it all on one. So here is a funny little post about my wife. I will add a few more here as well...

So yesterday my wife accompanied me to the comic book store. I am not huge into comic books, but everyone once in awhile I like to stop by and look. I tend to do things like this by myself as I know that my wife really could care less. Seeing as we were already running errands I asked her if we could swing by and take a look, surprisingly, she was totally on board. So off we go to the comic store....

So I am wandering around looking at things and there are only 4 people in the store; me, my wife, the owner and some random dude. So my wife goes her own way and I go mine. So I come walking up to her and I hear mumbling. I round a corner to see her standing there with a horrified look on her face. So I ask her "who were you talking to?". she starts laughing because she thought that the random dude standing a few feet away from her was me. He then proceeds to tell her that Supergirl doesn't and he laughs and walks away. So now I am curious, Supergirl doesn't what? Apparently my better half had told the random dude that she thought was me, that she didn't understand why all of the girls in comic books had such big boobs.

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